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Kids Small World is dedicated to offering fun, age appropriate classes where all children can learn not only through play and exploration, but also by having an academic program that matches their learning capability. Our curriculum is design to instill confidence and help each child grow academically, physically, socially, and cognitively in a safe, stimulating environment. Our experienced, certified staff wants children to feel comfortable and safe while they learn, explore, experiment, create, and question. We strive to create an environment where they feel safe to learn and where they are respected, empowered, trusted and listened to.

Our daily schedule allows for group time, small group activities, and individual play. We get exercise everyday in our playground.

The school offers families of 0 - 5 year old a varied schedule to choose from, including full day care. All day, half day, we also offer Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten or VPK. Early drop-off begins at 6:30 a.m and our late puck-up is at 7:00 p.m. Half day students attend morning sessions.